What are crossed conditions?
Crossed Conditions: This means that your life is prevented from functioning freely by paranormal means. According to the traditional view of many cultures, this can affect
- your luck,
- your money,
- your relationships
- and, last but not least, your mental and physical health.
Crossed conditions are ordinary disturbances that are caused by non-ordinary reality. They are therefore often difficult to distinguish from everyday problems and simple bad luck. Curses, hexes, the evil eye and other phenomena can also cause crossed conditions.
We offer a quick yes/no check for an initial assessment as well as individual counselling for cleaning off Crossed Conditions in 3 stages.
STEP 1: Crossed Conditions Check
STEP 2: Advice on remediation/alleviation
STEP 3 (optional): hired work for performing magickal remedies
Suitable topics:
- inexplicable bad luck
- strange feelings in the head (e.g. light-headedness) and body that do not seem to have a medically/psychologically identifiable cause
- strange money problems
- Inexplicable tendency to have accidents
- people inexplicably turn away
- already recognised/known attempts at being hexed/jinxed
- and much more.
Three Stages of Counselling for Crossed Conditions
Stage 1: Crossed Conditions Check
Quick reading via video recording. Provides an initial assessment, whether yes or no. Duration approx. 5-10 min. with the help of geomancy and mediumship
Stage 2: Consultation for Remediation
60-minute paranormal consultation, if the presence of Crossed Conditions is already known or the check has resulted in a yes. Detailed advice for cleansing them off.
Stage 3 (optional): Hired Magickal Workings
In particularly serious cases, hired magick is possible. Please contact us personally.
Das Okkulte Teehaus offers services that derive from practices of various spiritual traditions. They are intended for cultural entertainment and education and are in no way a substitute for medical/psychiatric treatment or psychotherapeutic counselling. Our programmes are also not suitable if you have a diagnosed mental disorder. Please use common sense!
Detection of crossed conditions and hexing
Especially if
- you belong to a magickal community,
- if you are from or have contacts to a culture or traditions where magickal practices are part of everyday life –
- and/or you have a certain degree of publicity in spiritual terms
Then the likelihood of being affected by Crossed Conditions increases.
Fortunately, there are methods that are traditionally used to recognise and distinguish crossed conditions. This requires skill and experience. Jo Weiszenfeld has been able to acquire both over the last few decades and offers you a tried and tested method: Renaissance Geomancy in combination with mediumship.
With the help of those methods, you can find out whether you are suffering from crossed conditions, what causes them and, yes: how they can be alleviated or remedied by magickal means.
Of course, there can be no certainty or guarantees in these areas. Nevertheless, valuable and reliable information can be obtained.
Geomancy is not only a divination technique, an oracle, but can also be used as a form of magic to awaken the powers of the 16 geomantic figures and use them for cleansing and further protection.

„Geomancy is a traditional Western way of divination based on intuitive contact with the subtle energies of the Earth. Nowadays, it’s probably the least well-known of the major methods of divination belonging to the Western world’s magical traditions; it’s no misstatement, in fact, to call it the forgotten oracle of the West.“
John Michael Greer
The three stages of recognising and eliminating crossed conditions
Stage 1: Quick Crossed Conditions Check
The quick check is simply about finding out whether crossed conditions are present – or not.
The check is usually not carried out in a live call. Instead, you can book it and are provided with a video recording of the reading done by Jo Weiszenfeld. This can take up to 3 working days. Only if the reading is a yes it is necessary to think about booking a consultation. But even with this initial information alone, experienced practitioners can already help themselves. This check costs 30 euros.
Stage 2: Counselling for remediation and alleviation
Here you book a paranormal counselling session of 60 minutes. This time is needed for a precise analysis of the background and for further readings to remedy or improve the situation. In this case, we will tell you what the probable causes are and what magickal practices of hex-breaking, banishing, cleansing and healing you can perform to remove your crossed conditions.
To do this, we draw on our extensive knowledge of practices from folk and high magic from past centuries. Your solution will always be customised and include various coordinated practices. We have already written down a few of these in our book: Magic for Purification and Protection. We will adapt these practices to your experience and possibilities as required.
Level 3 (optional): hired magickal workings
In particularly serious cases, we offer hired magickal workings. This means that we actively intervene in the event, perform rituals, compile material, consecrate, empower it and send it to you. As this is particularly demanding on our own resources, we only try to offer this service in urgent cases. Because of this, the price has to be negotiated as a flat-rate offer, beforehand, as the effort involved can quickly amount to several hours plus material, depending on the case.
Please contact us by email at
Background: Renaissance Geomancy
As described in the quote from John Michael Greer, Geomancy (not to be confused with feng shui!) is probably one of the most forgotten oracles over the centuries, with an almost inexhaustible depth and range of possibilities. The 16 figures of this binary oracle are not only known in Europe: Also in Africa as the 16 times 16 Odu Ifa or in the Arab world as Ilm al-Ramal or, in India, as Ramal Shastra. Esoteric giants such as Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa, John Heydon, Cristophe Cattan, John Case and Robert Fludd have written extensively about geomancy.
In more modern times, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, as well as contemporary personalities such as John Michael Greer, Christopher Warnock, Dr. Al Cummins and Sam Block, have also contributed to its knowledge base.
Geomancy is also known as the little sister of astrology or as earth astrology, as it works with the powers of the Anima Mundi, the earth soul, to obtain information in non-ordinary ways.

In an impressively simple yet at the same time highly complex process, the 4 so-called mothers are generated from the pool of 16 geomantic figures.
Originally, holes were made in the earth with a stick in 4 x 4 lines in a trance. The 4 daughters and the 4 nieces are generated by mathematical derivations, as well as the geomantic court, consisting of the two witnesses and the judge, who provides a first summarising answer to the question.
Methods such as the Via Puncti, the Sentence and the 4 Triads expand the possible interpretations. But that is not all. The first 12 figures are placed on a medieval astrological radix (the house chart) and provide an enormous wealth of detailed interpretations on all areas of the physical, mental and spiritual life of man and the world: from prognosing the weather to locating hidden treasures, from partnership to money and from ghosts, curses, travelling and religion to friends, secrets and even the client lying to the Geomancer, everything imaginable is covered.
As a particular advantage, geomancy offers clear answers to yes/no questions – something that should be avoided with most oracles.
Image: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ghoreh_001.JPG