Jo Weiszenfeld
Lives and loves magic and spiritual practice for over 20 years. Jo is an expert in the depth psychology of Carl Gustav Jung and his approach to working with dreams.
In his twenties, his family’s mediumistic heritage came back to him when a series of spontaneous spiritual experiences led to an awakening and interest in magick and mysticism.
His magickal path led him to gain practical experience in various traditions in East and West, from the Hermeticism of Franz Bardon, through Core Shamanism, Tibetan Buddhism and Druidism (OBOD) to some of the better known schools of Hermetic Qabalah and magic. These included the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the Builders of the Adytum (BOTA) and excursions into other well-known orders of the Western mystery tradition.
Jo practises magick from the folk traditions of Europe and American Hoodoo and is enthusiastic about the Puerto Rican tradition of Mesa Blanca Espiritismo. He’s a traditional Lenormand cartomancer and Renaissance Geomancy diviner.
Despite all his excursions, he has always returned to the Western Hermetic and Qabalistic traditions and has remained true to them.
Since 2013, Jo has been working intensively in the Ordo Astrum Sophiae with the Ogdoadic tradition of the original Aurum Solis as described by Melita Denning and Osborne. Since 2020 he has led the House of Agathodaimon as Magus together with Danny Wagner. They also run the podcast „Der Okkulte Teetisch“ (The Occult Tea Table) together, on the subject of magick and Hermetics. In 2024, they published their first book: Magie für Reinigung und Schutz (Magick for Purification and Protection), which compiles recipes and rituals from many cultures.