Das Okkulte Teehaus
Step 1 – Crossed Conditions Check

Step 1 – Crossed Conditions Check

Step 1: Crossed Conditions Check

Do you have a serious feeling that your life might be jinxed? Are you constantly experiencing strange streaks of bad luck? Or do have a feeling of not getting anywhere, no matter how hard you try?

In that case it could be that you are suffering from crossed conditions.

This means that your life conditions are being prevented from functioning freely in a paranormal way. This can affect your happiness, your money, your relationships and not least your mental, emotional and physical health.
Crossed conditions are everyday disturbances caused by non-everyday backgrounds. They are therefore very difficult to distinguish from everyday problems and bad luck.

So be careful: as a rule, you are not affected.

But: Especially if you belong to a magically practicing community, come from a culture or have contacts there where magical practices are part of everyday life – and/or you have a certain publicity in spiritual terms: Then the likelihood increases.

Jo offers you a quick check for the presence of crossed conditions. Only if they are present does a further consultation usually make sense.


  • Quick crossed conditions check for the price of € 30
  • Proven traditional methods of Renaissance Geomancy and mediumistic insight
  • Yes or no answer plus initial assessment
  • approx. 5-10 min. per video recording >> link will be sent by email
  • up to 3 working days response time

Suitable topics:

  • inexplicable bouts of bad luck
  • strange feelings in the head and body that do not seem to have a medically/psychologically identifiable cause
  • strange money problems
  • Inexplicable tendency to have accidents
  • people inexplicably turn away
  • and much more.


Das Okkulte Teehaus offers services that derive from the practices of various spiritual traditions. They are intended for cultural entertainment and edification and are in no way a substitute for medical/psychiatric treatment or psychotherapeutic support. Our offers are also not suitable in the presence of a diagnosed mental disorder. Please use common sense!

"I got a Crossed Conditions Check from Jo and I was amazed by the information he got from throwing the dice (Geomancy). He is very skilled and a good medium. The readings really don't cost you much especially, because the information you get is invaluable!"
Debby L.

This is how it works:

1. Booking via Digistore

2. Reading is divined (1-3 days)

3. Video with results is sent

How does the Crossed Conditions Check work?

  • You book the Check via Digistore.
  • Please enter your full name and date of birth.
  • Readings for third parties (Is my partner bewitched?) are often ethically questionable – but not impossible – so please ask again in person before booking
  • Jo uses time-honored cultural practices of Renaissance geomancy and mediumistic information gathering for a reading.
  • The result determines a yes or no answer.
  • The analysis is recorded and takes 5-10 minutes.
  • You will then receive a link to the video by email.
  • This can take up to 3 working days, but is usually quicker.

What's the Price?

  • Initial assessment based on a yes or no answer at a price of € 30.-
  • 5-10 min. video recording of the initial analysis via email link

Return Policy

Digistore24 has a 60-day return policy.

What to Do if the Check Finds Something?

In most cases, there are no crossed conditions. But if there are, then you already have an initial assessment. You may be able to find a solution yourself if you know your way around. It is also important to check carefully whether ordinary causes could be involved: No diviniation is always correct.

But of course we won’t let you down and offer you Step 2: a consultation to remedy and alleviate.

Here you simply book a 60-minute consultation where you will receive a detailed analysis as well as further divination with geomancy and mediumship to determine a customized routine of cultural practices for cleansing and relief. You will be advised exactly what to do and by what means. Just click the button below to find out more.